WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

29 November 2007

Some things to remember when blogging!

1) If it is on the Internet, assume the whole world can read it!

2) There are consequences for your opinion-made-public. (For example: Dixie Chicks.)

3) Christianity effects the way that you post. (That means, if you are a Christian, you shouldn't berate others, be rude/ derogatory, personally attack, use profane language, deceive, or write things that you wouldn't say in a normal conversation. That does not mean however, that you cannot disagree with people or attack their ideas.)

4) Use moderation. (In other words, live a complete life that involves more than just sitting on the Internet for days on end.)

5) Use proper grammatical, punctuation, and capitalization mechanics. (Well, maybe this is just my pet peeve, but I hate when people don't capitalize proper nouns or the first word of a sentence and I can't stand it when they make up spellings for their words... like "wuz up" or "ill c u 2 nite")

Maybe somebody could help me with some more blogging reminders...


Anonymous said...

"Use proper grammatical, punctuation, and capitalization mechanics."

This sentence should read: Use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

"Grammatical" is an adjective, not a noun. haha.

Anonymous said...

sniffle, sniffle . . . nevermind. I didn't see "mechanics" at the end of the sentence.

Jared Henry said...

So maybe another thing to remember when blogging is to read someone else's blog carefully before commenting?


You keep me on my toes Bro. C!