WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

29 November 2007


"You're legalistic!"

"They're into legalism."

The 'buzz-word' for the 90's has managed to hold on for another decade and into a new century. Impressive stamina.

I've always feared being legalistic. But I decided to look it up the other day. Webster's definition seems pretty straightforward and was surprisingly un-Satanic! (You may have to wade through some sarcasm from here.)

After reading the definition I think I've come to the conclusion that it is yet another 'label' you can put on a person to immediately isolate their opinion from others who also have a negative aversion toward "legalists."

I think the pop-theology culture definition of legalism is 'seeking salvation through some kind of legal code (or set of rules).'

However, that borderlines heresy! I don't think I've ever met any sincere Christian who has ever believed in some kind of works righteousness. (Although one could argue that I simply do not know many people.)

Yes, I have met some individuals who were pretty passionate about their convictions (I think we all need more of those, but alas that is an 'old-fashioned' concept), but that is a good thing I believe! Yes, I have met some who were so passionate about their convictions that they tried to push those on others. (Maybe that minority is the accepted definition of legalism.)

There is good news though, if you cannot with a clear conscious describe someone as 'legalistic' then you could always resort to the next best thing: 'fundamentalist.'

Of course Webster's definition of fundamentalist doesn't seem very ominous or threatening to Christianity either.

Maybe the 'buzz-word' curse word should be changed to something that is really scary like: worldly? No, wait, that's old fashioned too!

Oh well.

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