WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

20 November 2007

Pop-Christianity... a stereotype.

I'll admit it, I'm about to stereotype some 'troubling' trends in the universal church today...

The emergent (By the way, what are they emerging from? Has the real church fallen, died, got lost, or submerged?), post-modern, liberal, pop-Christian type might make some of the following comments which I will elaborate on in later posts. (I know I'm going to get some comments for lumping emergent, liberal, worldly adjectives together.)

"I'm a green, open-minded, tolerant, pacifist, cussing Christian and it's okay."

"If you get mad at my lack of moral discernment in the entertainment I take part in, relationships I have (aka community), language that I use, or conversations I have, then you probably have a problem with personal piety and are a modern moralists!"

"God's not a republican! He probably wouldn't even vote because he doesn't care about anything but the poor. Soon we Christians who understand the real problems of the world will end poverty so that God will not have anything to worry about but the environment! So even if God did vote, it would be for some fringe guy tauting a new economic policy that involved recycled money, a ban on vehicles, and vegan diets for all."

"I follow a mystic who lived 2000 years ago and said some cool things about helping people. Some say he was born of a virgin and some say he rose from the dead, but I don't get caught up in that discussion, because the point is: he could tell a good story!"

"I like new-age stuff and hate it when old fashioned Christians say 'born-again.' I know Jesus said it, but why can't they use more open language like 'beginning the journey.' Universalism isn't bad if you really understand it."

"Hurting people's feelings is the greatest sin! Especially if you do it by talking about what the Bible says!"

"On the essentials I am firm, it's the non-essentials that we can disagree on. Of course even the essentials aren't really essential because essentially the essentials cannot absolutely be known. So lets just wonder around in the dark holding hands and talk about what we think even though it isn't essential."

"People don't need to get saved from sin... that's personal piety. They needed to get saved from social injustices! We should all become communists because they are true Christians due to their social justice even though they are athiests! Hey, maybe Christians are the real problem in the world."

Have I ranted long enough? Remember all the quotations are stereotypes. You can decide if I'm being sarcastic...


Brett said...

I love you Jared!

You are 1,000% awesome!

I'm not being facetious!

Jared Henry said...

I love you too Brett!