WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

03 November 2008

Who Will Lose This Election?


Not Obama or McCain, but Christians.

Have you noticed how little either one talks about anything pertaining to moral issues. For them the greatest moral issue is socialism vs capitalism or the state of the economy and taxes. Only short segments of the debates were devoted to anything close to moral issues and I believe they both fumbled the ball.

McCain, the stereotypical pick for a Christian, refuses to be firm or even clear about his stance and committment to ending abortion in our nation. It is especially troubling from one who claims to give "straight talk."

Obama, a professing Christian, is even more twisted in his approach. Obama says he is personally against abortion, but will fight to protect a "woman's right to choose." Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that the textbook definition of hypocrisy?

Biden and Palin haggle about the same old stuff that nobody really cares about with a short venture onto moral ground in their debate on the issue of homosexual marriage. Biden proclaimed that he was all for "same-sex couples" being allowed to visit in the hospital. What? Anybody can visit you in the hospital anyway. That's virtually like saying: "I am for homosexual marriage because if we prevent them from having this 'right' then we won't allow them to breathe." Give me a break.

Palin, a professing evangelical Christian, babbled on about how tolerant she was. See previous post.

Yeah, Christians have been sidelined in this election. God's values have been ignored by our politicians even though they incite His name in blessing everyone and talking about our nation. Too bad Christians are going to lose this election.

(Note: I never said God was going to lose. He isn't up for re-election this year... nor will he ever be up for re-election.)


Josiah Henry said...

so tell me jared what party do you belong to?

I have to agree with you solely on this post b.c people tend to put their faith in politics and not in God anymore. They'd rather just cast the ballot every 4 years than pray for God's will to be done in the nation. its a troubling thought i know but its the truth and i thank u for pointing it out.

Jared Henry said...

I am in the process of switching to the Constitution party. (See earlier post on who I will vote for in the 2008 presidential election.)

You said many people put their faith in politics. I disagree I believe their faith is not in politics, but in government.

We expect government to take care of our every need. We have welfare, social security, education, and soon we will let government take over in health care. Government has failed in everything it has endeavored to do... why would we want to give the government more power?