WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

06 October 2008

Relevant? ...not really!

In our never ending move to be "relevant" in our world, I wonder if the church isn't as corny as the poor souls in this video.

Of particular interest are the following lyrics from the song in the you tube video below...

"He [Jesus] taught me how to praise my God and still play rock-n-roll."

"He is like a Mounty, he always gets his man and he'll zap you anyway he can... ZAP."

"He loves me when I waste me time by writing silly songs."

I wonder if 'cutting edge ministry' isn't the silliest thing going yesterday!


Brett said...

The real genius would be the works of the ones who would make this music on purpose (today).

I would find it difficult to do so without being entirely irreverent, but it would still be killer cool.

Who wouldn't buy an album full of awesome rock operas like Sonseeds?

Caleb Henry said...

I think my favorite line is the blatantly pelagian (i.e. heretical) one: "He taught me how to pray and how to save my soul." . . . as if we could save our own souls - silly Sonseed.