WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

22 April 2008

Why "Post-Moderns" and "Emergents" won't last...

Come on, does anyone actually believe these kinds of folks will be around in forty years?

They'll grow up, hopefully wise up, and get a life!

No, seriously.

They are actually just a little over forty years too late for their movement, it really began in the 'free love' sixties.

Here is what it boils down to:

1) They hate established Christianity. They believe everything must change. They believe that for the last 2000 years everyone has got it wrong. But they have received the revelation.

2) They hate decent Christian folks. They believe you have to look like some wanna-be rock star to really love Jesus.

3) They hate Biblical terminology. They would rather make up their own cooler, hipper words to talk about God.

4) They hate church. More specifically, church services. They don't like to be preached to like all the prophets through out the whole Bible did. They'd rather be "in conversation."

5) They hate holiness. They want to dilute it into leaving an extra dollar in tip at the local coffee shop or carrying an old lady's groceries out to her car. Holiness is in some morbid (yes, I do mean morbid) way linked to becoming a vegetarian (their form of entire consecration) and voting for Barrack Obama (who is part of a cult, not a Christian church).

6) Well, you get the point...

That kind of stuff, it just won't last. I don't look forward to it, but I guess I'll have to weather this one for the next twenty years or so. (Post-moderns hate when you call their fad a fad.)

Man, they must all be haters. (Post-moderns hate it when you lump large groups of people together and make blanket statements outside of a proper narrative perspective.)

1 comment:

Chris Skinner said...

Jared I love your snarky comments! I love to make fun of the emergent church too!