WARNING: A Christian, holiness, & biblical worldview.

18 February 2008

An Emergent Preacher... (Part 2 of 2)

Again, please make allowance for my emergent sarcasm.

Here are 10 more indications that you might be an emergent pastor.

1) You have ten pairs of sandals, but only one neck-tie.

2) You are 'self-ordained.'

3) Your website links to PETA, Green Peace, Democratic Party, Obama for President, and Religious Tolerance.

4) You believe your church needs to hire a 'pastor of the dance,' 'water color pastor,' and one living in sin (so that he/she can relate to people).

5) You believe you are the first person (besides Brian McLaren & Rob Bell) to actually understand what God really wants us to be.

6) You only have one service a week (probably at an odd time or day) and encourage people to 'fellowship' the rest of the time.

7) You believe that some people going to your church are Christians and do not even know it.

8) You had a vision that included a cameo by Donald Miller.

9) You would recommend reading Velvet Elvis or Everything Must Change before anything in the New Testament (too much archaic language).

10) You have used incense, candles, bells, cotton balls, backpacks, and a long wooden staff in the same 'worship service,' but no Bible.

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